Only joined yesterday, made a few posts and had interesting discussions and responses - seems to me that the people here are good blokes.
A bit about me - live in Lincolnshire, own a 71 CB750 K1, 84 GpZ 900 and a 61 BSA A10, all in various stages of restoration but just(Saturday) got the 750 roadworthy and rideable and I've only had it since 1999!! Had a good 50 mile blast on Sunday.... Handling seemed good or is it that I've slowed down now I'm old....
Rode bikes a lot in the past from 13 onwards - started with a 125 James on farm tracks , had a couple of Hondas, CB450, original 4 speeds Black Bomber which from the date of registration(Feb 1966) was one of the earliest to be imported, and a CB500 twin - more or less the same bike as the 450 but nowhere near as good I thought.
Was put off Hondas a bit in my teens by the CB250 - they seemd so slow compared to my Suzi Super Six though a bit quicker than the Ariel Arrow I had before that..... First big bike was a BSA Rocket Gold Star - £115 in 1972 , they're about £7500 now - should have kept it!! After that a Commando which I'd probably still have if it hadn't been nicked. That's when I bought the CB450 - cheap and available and I needed to get back on the road before the insurance paid out for my stolen Norton. Had a variety of bikes after that including an MZ250 which was suprisingly enjoyable to ride..... Wouldn't mind getting hold of one again.
Can still remember the first CB750 in our town. A guy called Ganger Green bought it from Porters in Spalding who , because they'd been one of the earliest Honda dealers in England, got one of the first batch imported. It was a blue/green one and caused quite a sensation. I was in the sixth form at school then and even girls who had no interest in bikes were coming back from lunch and saying things like "Have you seen that amazing motorbike parked outside the Angel" - The Angel being a pub of course....
PS will I get banned for mentioning the DOHC 450 on the SOHC forum?