"K0-K1: These were the "performance years". The carbs were jetted 120 mains, the spark advancers were quick-advance units (all in by 2000 RPM) and the pipes were straight-through with fiberglass-wrapped tube inserts. Gearing was 16T/45T on K0, 17T/48T on K1. Gas mileage was about 32 MPG on premium (95 octane). These bikes developed about 67 HP, peaking at 8500 RPM, putting about 61 HP "on the ground". The K0 had 4 cables on the carbs, while the K1 had the bellcrank system most folks recognize.
Late K1/Early K2: The cam changed, getting advanced about 3 degrees instead of 5, but the duration was the same (so the overlap moved, too!). On the K2, the straight-thru pipes were changed to a 5-chamber baffled design. The spark advancer was delayed to full advance at 2500 RPM. The main jets on the K1 were 120 (old factory bikes) or 115 (bikes after 11/70 build), on the K2 110. The K2 jet needles were dropped 1 notch from the K1 settings (middle notch, K1 was 2nd from the bottom). The sprockets changed to 18T/48T. These bikes put about 58 HP on the rear wheel at 8000 RPM in 3rd gear." Quote from Hondaman
I have had a few K1 bikes and a few K0's as well. I currently have a 9/70 K1 105 serial numbers and it is noticeably faster than the later K1's ive owned or ridden especially at the top end. Not sure when they started to reduce the performance of the K1's but I had two others a 12/70 and 7/71 had less power. But anyway you look at it K1's were all great bikes arguably some of the best or the zenith of cb750 production. My k1 is my favorite motorcycle