1. Would having a variable muffling system be of interest to you?
You need to defined "variable muffling system". I f you mean like cutouts, changing/removing packing/baffles, or SuperTrapps... Then it is not a big interest to me. I like being able to swap a quiet baffle for a loud one but in practice when I've had the option I never bothered, just set up my exhaust for quiet to moderate noise levels, avoiding being obnoxious.
2. Have you ever sought out a variable exhaust system? If so, what system?
No. I have experience with SuperTrapp systems. That is how I got them and they were adequate.
3. What are existing products on the market lacking?
Nothing comes to mind.
4. What features would you like to see incorporated into an aftermarket variable exhaust system?
5. Instead of loud/quiet settings, would you like a range of sound levels?
SuperTrapp offers this via different packing, disc, cap config. Edit after seeing you mean dynamic while riding: Two levels would be fine. Open pipe/dump for lower speeds in traffic and a non obnoxious sound level for higher speeds, no traffic, night around neighborhoods, etc.
6. How much would you be willing to pay for a system like this?
Would have to be comparable to a nice pipe or muffler with removable/changeable baffle. For chrome or stainless, $300-$600 maybe?
7. Would you be able to install the system yourself?
8. Would you prefer a system that's integrated into your bikes electronics or a standalone system?
(A standalone system would be cheaper and would be easier to install)
None of my bikes have any electronics aside from charging/ignition/lights. I would not like any electronic control or motor.
9. Do you think "Loud pipes save lives?"
At low speeds, yes I believe there is the potential to be heard by drivers in a position to pose a threat who are too selfish to open their eyes. If I had an open pipe I may have been heard before I was hit this year, I sure was not seen. My pipe is fairly quiet at lower speed and load, but having a totally open exhaust at low speeds in traffic could be a life saver.
10. Do you think the idea of a variable system is practical?
I'm thinking you may be talking about a dynamically (while riding/driving) variable system. Is which case it is not practical. Government has outlawed these types of systems all over the country. Cable or solenoid operated cutouts are illegal in cars here. Must have bolted on caps. Captains call exhaust is illegal in many areas too and you will be fined even if you've been running through the prop all day. Anything adjustable while operating the vehicle will be an uphill legal battle. Others may keep it hidden or out of plain sight and try to stay under the radar, but I prefer to keep government out of my life so would not purchase a dynamically adjustable system if it was illegal for road use in any places I travel.
11. Does anything about the idea concern you?
12. Do you have a preference on how to adjust the system (manually, via hand control, by foot, electronically)?
Cable or lever easily accessible but hidden, perhaps under the tank/air box/etc.
13. Does the size of the muffler concern you for ergonomic or aesthetic reasons?
Yes, should appear period correct on the bike and retain use of center stand.
14. Do you prefer a cheaper but less functional system or more costly and more advanced system?
Not sure what functionality would be lost with a cheaper system, or what is more advanced about a more advanced system. Generally I take a simple is reliable is beautiful view towards most things.