When I was at university I used to believe only in what can be proved, and as a telecom engineer it seemed that the whole world could be explained by the laws of physycs and mathematics.
If you think about how the world has evolved the last century, you have to believe the Man is almighty. Planes, space rockets, computers, mobile phones, the human intelligence has created things that has changed our way of living.
But if you think about the computer you are reading my words from, it has been designed by a man -or team of-, built by another man, and so has been the operating system. These people must be very intelligent, that's for sure. And the source of their intelligence is some gray matter inside their skull. And in the gray matter there are no copper tracks, no batteries, no integrated circuits, and still it works like a computer based on chemical reactions. Not even the most intelligent man on earth is capable of creating a brain from scratch, not even repairing one. It's the greates of all paradoxes, the human brain cannot explain how it works.
And what about plants? You throw a sunflower seed to the ground, and it creates roots that go down -with no eyes or indication to where it should go- and from it a plant is born. The man is not capable to create a simple seed from where a plant will be born.
If you think outside the box, this cannot be pure coincidence. The human body -or any animal body for that matter- is a complex structure. Bones that support the body. Muscles that create movement. Blood that transport nutrients. Eyes, ears, tongue, nose to interact with the outside world. What are the odds that, if a planet explodes like in the Big Bang, from nowhere life will be created and it will evolve by natural evolution to the state it is now? From this reasoning I believe there is a supreme creature that created everything, not because I can prove it exist, but because without it nothing will exist. After that, Buddha, Christ, Mohammed, are just cultural interpretations of divinity, because as opposed to animals, humans are the only ones who have religious feelings and are conscious about existence.
Once you adopt this reasoning, as Descartes said, "it's just simple to understand that everything in this World is the way God wants it to be". Because, if it was otherwise, it would mean God doesn't want us to be like we are, and that would mean he had a failure, therefore he is not perfect. But if God is perfect, it means everything is perfect because he can not fail, and for that reason we are perfect because we are his creation.