When you remove the starter from the engine and testing on the battery you are not testing under load. Even if the battery is dead it can still spin the starter and then you are just chasing your tail.
Just trying to say that the battery should be the first thing to look at before anything else. I just see people on here chase a problem for weeks because everyone suggest other things other than the simplest and most common problems.
*shrug* OK, if you say so. The only other load on the battery (which I can think of) at the time of hitting the starter is the running lights and headlight. If he has the switch to turn those off, then the load is the same. The starter button passes directly through the solenoid, which has a minute draw itself but the 'load' I think you're thinking of comes from the coils, spark, etc. His problem is that the starter itself isn't even turning when he jumpers the solenoid.
And since this appears to be a 750 that we're talking about, in that case, I wouldn't remove the starter. On the 550 or 500, the starter is very easily removed. On the 750, it's a little more involved. So I'd pull the battery from the battery box and bring it down by the starter to test. You can do your battery electrical testing there as well.