Author Topic: Newbie from Ottawa, Canada  (Read 589 times)

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Offline 76400F

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Newbie from Ottawa, Canada
« on: January 30, 2016, 02:32:05 PM »
Hi All,

I'm so happy to have discovered this site. When I was 16, I purchased a used 76 CB400F and rode the hell out of it for a few years. Wanting a bit more power at the time, I sold it to a buddy and bought a brand new RZ350. After a few years of riding the 400F, my buddy parked it and bought a Katana 600. The year was 1986. It's sat ever since. The last 20 years, in a field with a tarp over it. The last 2 years completely uncovered. My buddy moved in the summer and didn't want the hassle of moving her, so he sold it back to me. I gave him everything I had in my wallet at the time, which happened to be 1 American dollar. (We had just returned from a trip to the States and I spent everything else in the duty free shop) Sentimentality has kicked in full bore and I'm determined to bring her back to life. Here's what I'm starting with. It's not pretty...

Have already found so much priceless information on this site. Thanks to everyone who takes the time to comment and share their collective knowledge.

What I rode back in the day:
1970 Honda CD175 x2
1976 Honda CR125 Elsinore
1980 Yamaha YZ125
1976 Honda CB400F (bought in 83, restored 2016)
1983 Yamaha RZ350 x2
1986 Yamaha FZ600

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Re: Newbie from Ottawa, Canada
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2016, 04:54:54 AM »

I resurrected a bike this past summer that had sat like yours for twenty years.  Clean the carbs and let us know how it goes.

1975 CB550F Super Sport;  Lake Superior Circle 1000, 45-90 Saddle 1000, All in Yooper 1000 and SS 2000 in 48 hrs:  1985 GL1200A, MN in State SS1K

Offline 76400F

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Re: Newbie from Ottawa, Canada
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2016, 06:33:27 AM »
Here's what I found when I opened the's going to be a long road...
What I rode back in the day:
1970 Honda CD175 x2
1976 Honda CR125 Elsinore
1980 Yamaha YZ125
1976 Honda CB400F (bought in 83, restored 2016)
1983 Yamaha RZ350 x2
1986 Yamaha FZ600

Offline Phil_L

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Re: Newbie from Ottawa, Canada
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2016, 02:15:48 PM »
Welcome buddy,  I am from Ottawa also.