a inch or so is a great deal when you start screwing with the geomentry of the forks! try letting them down a little at a time, say a 1/4 inch or 1/2 inch and see what happens... if you start cutting the tops of the forks off, well, you will need shorter springs if you go more than an inch, and dont forget that rod that goes through the whole fork assembly... best option, if you want better handling: drop the forks or rather drop the frame on the forks a bit at a time, making sure you do the same amount on both sides obviously... if you want stiffer forks try getting a pvc coupler from the hardware store about an inch or so long, take the caps off the forks and insert it in note: get the closest fit you can find, i used to do this to fzr's all the time, put a washer in on top of the spring, with a about a half inch hole in it then the pvc. you will see a noticable difference! but i wouldnt screw with trying to make the forks shorter. but thats just me.