I did have a bit of discussion with some guys about sharing a garage, but it was mostly just kicking it around.
I moved my lathe to another fellows shop, he leaves town a few times a year, for a month or so. Soon as he gets back. I want to get the lathe wired up and running... Also he has a mill I can use a bit, so I will be able to start making some parts again.. Running low on frame kits only a few left.
That is good to hear. Lots of younger guys like myself are buying lathes to support our hobby, but don't have a clue how to set them up or run them without crashing them.
I want to add a quick change tool post, learn how to sharpen bits, and cut my new backplate so I can install my new chuck and get rocking.
Not sure about other people, but I would pay for video training to do that. You could even have a 754 kickstarter campaign with the proceed going to help establish a new shop.
If videos are not your thing you could do the same thing with frame kits. You don't have to make the part or video on kickstarter until your goal is hit.