Well I still like Harleys, and I like the newer ones much more than the older ones, for that matter. The new "Evo" engines are beautifully built compared to the old "shovels", these were the bikes that gave HD a bad name in the first place, particularly those"AMF" bikes built in the late 1970's, before Ronny Raygun saved HD from the axe by putting tariffs on imported bikes. (that's why Honda build some of their bikes in the US)
Whether or not you like them or hate them is unimportant, my point is that they are very good bikes, I've owned one, and will happily have another. Sure, the "yuppies" like 'em, but yuppies like anything that that they think will draw attention to their obvious success in the corporate world, equal numbers of them also ride Ducatis, GSXR's, Fireblades etc, not to mention drive Porsches and BMW's. That should not deter you from buying a Harley though, unless you are worried about your own self-image?
Why don't the japs have a huge catalogue of shiny things to accessorise their "cruisers"? (Harley Clones) Well the problem here is that most people think that their efforts to date are just poor imitations of HD's (and I couldn't agree more) so don't buy their bikes, therefore there's no market for Jap bike "bling". Don't worry, just like the japs have been trying to get back some HD's "Market Share" over the last 20+ years, if they could make a buck out of "bling", do you honestly think they wouldn't? Cheers, Terry.