Only 3 weeks and it sounds like you are already a hard-core addict! Welcome to the asylum with all the rest of us.

If you have not done so already, go to the download page and get the shop manual for your bike. Look up the 3k mile checklist and go through it on your bike. Trust nothing about what the PO says was done for maintaining the bike! Do it all yourself so that you can be confident about having a known base line to work from. Don't just change the oil, change the filter as well. Start a maintaince log so you can keep track of things.
As for the oil for your bike there are some important details you need to know about the wet-bath clutch system on these bikes. Go to the excellent posting by Hondaman entitled "The story of Zinc, and why SOHC4 engines need it in oil.", it is very informative. BTW, I have been running Rotella diesel, 15-40w in my bikes and they have been very happy with it.

Any questions, just ask and you'll find, as I have, that the members here are a treasure trove of helpful information.