Ok guys, it's getting late in the year, and we're all getting a little edgy, so the claws have come out regarding a couple of "questionable" claims by one or two of our more colorful regulars, who aren't normally challenged (pursued?) with such vigour, even if we don't necessarily always believe them. This is a shame because we do enjoy their entertaining posts, and their occasional flights of fancy.
Therefore, I thought it'd be fun to be able to post your best bull#$%* story here, without fear of being brought to account, or vilified, by some of our less tolerant (but equally important) members. The rule here is we're doing this for fun, and there are to be no repercussions for anything said here, because we all understand, that none of it is actually true!
Now you can make up a story about your personal involvement in historic events that you've never really experienced, or sexual conquests with famous people that you've never actually met, personal combat memories from wars that you've never actually participated in, vacations in countries that you've never actually visited, the "perfect" crimes that you've committed but have never been charged with, your incredibly high paid job, your "royal" lineage, or the "Inside Information" that you alone posess on just about any conspiracy theory, past or present, and that's just for starters!
So go on, use your best artistic license to come up with some big whopping lies! Preferably a story with at least one paragraph, because as much as "I invented the Motorcycle" is an intriguing opening statement, it'd be a bit more interesting (to me at least) if the author painted a bigger mental picture for us all to enjoy.
The best story will be judged by a panel of professional bull#$%*ters, and the author of the best load of old rubbish will be awarded a fabulous prize that will change his/her life forever! (there you go, that was my lie to kick this off!) Cheers, Terry.