Author Topic: The BS post! Feel free to tell a fib with no fear of retribution, right here!  (Read 93384 times)

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Offline Terry in Australia

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Ok guys, it's getting late in the year, and we're all getting a little edgy, so the claws have come out regarding a couple of "questionable" claims by one or two of our more colorful regulars, who aren't normally challenged (pursued?) with such vigour, even if we don't necessarily always believe them. This is a shame because we do enjoy their entertaining posts, and their occasional flights of fancy.

Therefore, I thought it'd be fun to be able to post your best bull#$%* story here, without fear of being  brought to account, or vilified, by some of our less tolerant (but equally important) members. The rule here is we're doing this for fun, and there are to be no repercussions for anything said here, because we all understand, that none of it is actually true!

Now you can make up a story about your personal involvement in historic events that you've never really experienced, or sexual conquests with famous people that you've never actually met, personal combat memories from wars that you've never actually participated in, vacations in countries that you've never actually visited, the "perfect" crimes that you've committed but have never been charged with, your incredibly high paid job, your "royal" lineage, or the "Inside Information" that you alone posess on just about any conspiracy theory, past or present, and that's just for starters!

So go on, use your best artistic license to come up with some big whopping lies! Preferably a story with at least one paragraph, because as much as "I invented the Motorcycle" is an intriguing opening statement, it'd be a bit more interesting (to me at least) if the author painted a bigger mental picture for us all to enjoy.

The best story will be judged by a panel of professional bull#$%*ters, and the author of the best load of old rubbish will be awarded a fabulous prize that will change his/her life forever! (there you go, that was my lie to kick this off!) Cheers, Terry. ;D
I was feeling sorry for myself because I couldn't afford new bike boots, until I met a man with no legs.

So I said, "Hey mate, you haven't got any bike boots you don't need, do you?"

"Crazy is a very misunderstood term, it's a fine line that some of us can lean over and still keep our balance" (thanks RB550Four)

Offline 750goes

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Because you only said one paragraph makes it a bit hard, but here goes. I'm a nice person - no bull#$%*. Are you allowed to embellish how also being a flagrant B.S'er that other people might believe you are what you say you are, or can I just be full of #$%* all the time..interesting topic post Terry, are you allowed to enter or just do the stirring ?? :D

Offline Terry in Australia

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G'Day Charlie, now I said you could write "At Least one paragraph" mate, so feel free to write a book. And try a bit harder, we all know you're a nice person, but have you ever been a female impersonator? C'mon mate, where's your imagination? Ha ha, Cheers, Terry. ;D
I was feeling sorry for myself because I couldn't afford new bike boots, until I met a man with no legs.

So I said, "Hey mate, you haven't got any bike boots you don't need, do you?"

"Crazy is a very misunderstood term, it's a fine line that some of us can lean over and still keep our balance" (thanks RB550Four)

Offline Rsnip988

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Haha this should be a great post, thanks in advance for the laughs


1976 CB750 K6 Full

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Offline mrbreeze

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Didn't take long to draw some BS Terry!!!!
MEMBER # 257
Fool me once..shame on you. Fool me twice..I'm kickin' your a$$......

Offline Terry in Australia

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Didn't take long to draw some BS Terry!!!!

Ha ha, it's just my friendly nature Mr B, I'm a BS magnet! ;D
I was feeling sorry for myself because I couldn't afford new bike boots, until I met a man with no legs.

So I said, "Hey mate, you haven't got any bike boots you don't need, do you?"

"Crazy is a very misunderstood term, it's a fine line that some of us can lean over and still keep our balance" (thanks RB550Four)

Offline Rsnip988

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As long as its high quality BS you dont mind so much.


1976 CB750 K6 Full

1976 CB750 K6 Cafe'ish

Offline scunny

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we(the queen and me) are not amused by this attempt at humour. I was talking to George(Bush) just the other day, and he reminded me of the time that I was on holiday with Elvis(Presley) oh the times we had, especially when Albert(Einstein) came up with some really strange ideas......
did I win ?
past-cb100,ts250,cb500,cb500,gs1000,gs650g.phillips traveller
present-CB 650 retro
           XL250S riverbed rocket
           MT50 (white)
           MT50 (red)[sold]
           KN250/XS400 project
           XR/XL250 bitsa under construction
           pedal(pub bike) leaks oil
my gallery

Offline Rsnip988

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we(the queen and me) are not amused by this attempt at humour. I was talking to George(Bush) just the other day, and he reminded me of the time that I was on holiday with Elvis(Presley) oh the times we had, especially when Albert(Einstein) came up with some really strange ideas......
did I win ?

no dont you remember thats when i came along and told Einstein his ideas were stupid and he stole my ideas, at which point I told Bush the war policies were rubbish and we need to enact the "Fair Tax" which he thought was a genius idea, (he is quite an intelligent person although he doesnt look it), at which point in time my homie Lemonjello called me and said we were having a block party with Notorious BIG and Tupac, i had to turn them down although i cant remember why......  Oh yes Terry from Oz was feeling charitable because i nominated him for president of the US and he gave me a free oil cooler...  I cant wait to install it  ;)


1976 CB750 K6 Full

1976 CB750 K6 Cafe'ish

Offline mrbreeze

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Well..I woke up this morning.....took my usual 20 mile jog....stopped on the way back and saved a burning baby from a nearby apartment building back home and had some breakfast.....interrupted by a good friend that couldn't get his vehicle running so that he could go to work......jumped on my 750 Honda(that I just bored out to 1975cc the night before) rode over to his house....almost got a speeding ticket but I kicked er up into third gear and blew the cop outa the water.....I was doing 195 MPH so I could not help but to blow the motor. When I got to my bud's place, I started a rebuild on my bike with parts that I had in my backpack.He explained that he really needed his  truck so after we shoot the #$%* over an 18 pack of Coronas,I helped him change the power stroke diesel he had in his truck over to a duro max that I picked up on the way over there.We got him going but embarrassed to took 12 minutes longer than the usual 35 minutes to stab that sucker after hand building the mounts. Oh well......that will learn ya to stay up 3 nights in a row installing light fixtures on billboards 1400 miles from home just to make a few bucks on the side. Anyhow this time ,I was ready for lunch (11:35) but I had no cash .I crossed my fingers that the bike would start after I pulled the motor (AGAIN!) and VIOLA!!!! It started right up and I rode to the nearest bank.....some jackass was robbing it when I got there but I made my withdrawal,thwarted the get away car by blocking it in with the stupid bike (that would only go 160 cause I forgot to get it bad)....also saved 3 hostages from the bank......Still made it to lunch at 11:56........I won't bore with my afternoon...its about the same everyday Terry.
MEMBER # 257
Fool me once..shame on you. Fool me twice..I'm kickin' your a$$......

Offline Rsnip988

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wow interesting morning, i just sat around the hous this morning


1976 CB750 K6 Full

1976 CB750 K6 Cafe'ish

Offline 6pkrunner

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This is going to be one of the most entertaining threads ever. Like a Bee Line short story author convention held in some flea bag hotel. There are some creative thoughts going on here. ;D


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Well I built a bike from scratch in 3 weeks, went 165 mph to the dyno place, got it Dyno’ed , put a non-directional drilled rotor on the front and still had time to enter it in 30 bike shows in 1 weekend. When people look at the fantastic bike I built, world wide peace will be inevitable.
 How’s that for BS? Or has it already been done?

Offline Jonesy

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we(the queen and me) are not amused by this attempt at humour. I was talking to George(Bush) just the other day, and he reminded me of the time that I was on holiday with Elvis(Presley) oh the times we had, especially when Albert(Einstein) came up with some really strange ideas......
did I win ?

C'mon... EVERYONE knows that Elvis lives in a basement with Jimmy Hoffa! Now we know you're BS'ing!
"Every time I start thinking the world is all bad, then I start seeing people out there having a good time on motorcycles; it makes me take another look." -Steve McQueen


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Dear SOHC-4 Friends,
There are times when we all wish we could do some good for our fellow human beings. This is one of those form letters as I really don't know which way to turn so I am asking everyone to support me.

As I am getting older I am becoming more aware of the virtues associated with lending a helping hand. When I do, I feel better about myself, my family situation, and the world around me,  and I would like you to share in that happiness.

I am asking for your support in my latest endeavor

Last night I watched a documentary that brought me to tears.  I decided that there is no better time to make a difference than right now. Therefore, I have applied to  adopt a set of twins that have been orphaned due to Global Warming

I need your financial support to get these twins from Australia.

I know it is in poor taste to ask for money from friends and family, but I feel this is one of those special occasions that make it OK to reach out for help. Just send whatever you can.... Anything would be appreciated. You must know -- the twins will be thankful !!

Thank you for your support.... And please don't try to talk me out of this.. "I am totally dedicated to this endeavor."

Thanks in Advance..
PS: A  recent photo of the twins will be found below  which was taken as they sat in the advancing flood waters.

Offline Rsnip988

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Hmmmm thats an exact replica of Terry from Oz's post

late but still nice


1976 CB750 K6 Full

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very observant snip ::)

Offline nickjtc

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We  were so poor that we used to live in a cardboard box in the middle of the road, Dad would thrash us awake in the morining and we would have to go to work for 18 hours a day down the pit for thruppence ha'penny.....(All said with a broad Yorkshire accent.)

Oh, just realised that's BS from somewhere else! :D

Anyone want to buy a Norwegian Blue parrot?
« Last Edit: November 03, 2006, 08:22:23 AM by nickjtc »
Nick J. Member #3247

2008 Triumph Tiger 1050
1977 Suzuki GS750

"That which does not kill us reminds us to wear proper motorcycle clothing...."

Offline mlinder

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A picture is worth a thousand words...

Thats me in the foreground...

Offline ieism

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Mybike is faster than MRieck's ! It's also the best looking caferacer in the world, winning multiple prices. The rearsets are so far back that I hired a hooker to massage the numb feeling out off my balls after a ride.


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dgfischer has only but one hobby.........

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Don't believe me? Just look at the posts. I could post anything including a recipe and this #$%*o HAS to step and make #$%*. Not sure why. Maybe biz is slow.

BTW dumb #$%* it was built in 29 days. If you can not build a bike in that time frame working the best part of 12-15 hours days - you are drinking too much.

and I did not say 165 #$%*o!.... I said I pinned out the speedo.

Sad that you are such a loser that you only have me for a hobby. Pathetic really, because I am not that interesting. Maybe you should try internet porn. Hundreds of hours of fun for you.

I will borrow Ratfinks word for someone who has to belittle someone to make himself cool.............NERD.

This forum has gotten to be little more than an internet clog. It was a good forum... I am not sure what happened.

Hurry and show you superiority.... Hurry up and get in line. Will make you feel better. Maybe even make up for some lacking somewhere like the fact that you just might be trapped in a cubicle somewhere..... Now that is a sad thing.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2006, 08:28:25 AM by anubiscycle »

Offline andy750

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Minor correction.....

Last post -

"and I did not say 165 #$%*o!.... I said I pinned out the speedo."

Initial (controversial) post -

"I think it honestly it topped out at about 155- 165MPH  Roll Eyes ?
« Last Edit: October 29, 2006, 11:45:58 PM by anubiscycle »"

Or was the last post BS in keeping with this current thread?  ::)

Edit: I dont really care what you say or claims you make but just remember what you do actually say on a public forum  - and since it is public, it will always be open to public comments both good and bad. Thats life.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2006, 08:40:02 AM by andy750 »
Current bikes
1. CB750K4: Long distance bike, 17 countries and counting...2001 - Trans-USA-Mexico, 2003 - European Tour, 2004 - SOHC Easy Rider Trip , 2008 - Adirondack Tour 2-up , 2013 - Tail of the Dragon Tour , 2017: 836 kit install and bottom end rebuild. And rebirth:,173213.msg2029836.html#msg2029836
2. CB750/810cc K2  - road racer with JMR worked head 71 hp
3. Yamaha Tenere T700 2022

Where did you go on your bike today? -


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Andy I got nothing against you or anyone here.... even breeze here. Revision:except fischer who has made me his hobby. I would return the favor, but simply do not have the time.

I said pinned out.. What freakin part did no one get of that?

Starting to think this forum a sucker of time. Much like a TV.  ;D

I fortunately do not care what you people think or say, and maybe you shouldn't either.

« Last Edit: November 03, 2006, 08:42:38 AM by anubiscycle »

Offline Bob Wessner

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Or, you could both just ignore each other. How's that for a solution.
We'll all be someone else's PO some day.


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Or, you could both just ignore each other. How's that for a solution.

Here here

I will do my best, I did say that I would behave, but I have not so I ask that people please forgive hostility in previous posts.

There are always at least 2 kids on the play ground that LIKE to fight with each other for some unforeseen reason. And it is SO entertaining for the other kids, they have to rile'em up and sick em on each other.  ;D

And that's no BULL  8)
« Last Edit: November 03, 2006, 09:06:57 AM by anubiscycle »