Well I'm sick. Yep, I've had a lung emptying cough for 10 days now, so fearing the worst I made an appointment to see the doc ($85 fcuking bucks, I felt even worse as I dragged my poor dying body out of the surgery afterwards) to find out what I'm dying of.
Anyway, it turns out that there's nothing much wrong with me, "there's a lot of it going around" apparently. She told me to drink lemon and honey, and I told her no way was I drinking a poofter drink like lemon and fcuking honey, so we compromised and I've now got to drink a glass of Honey Bourbon every hour on the hour until I fall into bed, and I have to take tomorrow off work.
WTF Doc? I can't take tomorrow off work, WTF am I gonna do to fill in a day off sick? I suppose I could have a nice long sleep in until it warms up a bit outside my little apartment, have a nice big breakfast, then go for a therapeutic ride up in the hills until I find a nice little country pub that sells medicinal whiskey for poor sick fcukers like me, but really, I'd much rather be at work, honest I would.............