She has been running horrible of late and has been pretty much unrideable so today I tore her apart and tackled the carbs and related rubber components. I've been doing a lot of reading and research on the PD's and how they work and have come to the conclusion that my idle circuit is to lean causing most of my drive ability issues.
With them on the bench I went up to 38 idle jets from 35's, changed the needle clip to the center position (77 needles), and went with 118 mains. I don't know how, but my floats were WAY OFF, so I readjusted them to 12.5 mm, verified my accel pump squirt was good, and reassembled them. Next I replaced the manifold rubbers with aftermarket ones that I found from Japan, the ones I bought 2 years ago are pretty much junk with cracks showing on all of them in between the clamping wells, causing all sorts of issues. The air cleaner horns were in worse shape than the manifold rubbers, almost to the point of starting to fall apart.
Replacing the manifold rubbers was straight forward and easy as was getting the carb rack to pop on to them. The air horns were OEM's and fit like a champ. The reassembly of the system went smooth overall with a bit of arguing from the air cleaner assembly. Double checked EVERYTHING for fitment and seal and tightened the SS clamps on all. Turned the fuel on and checked for leaks...none, 1 twist, full choke, and she burst to life again, sounding MUCH better than before. Let her warm up and took her out for a small shake down.
I was nice to her for 10-15 miles, letting her warm up all the way with a leisurely buzz down the frontage roads. Went back home and readjusted the mixtures from 1.25 turns to around 1.5, she seems to like it there and she idles smooth at 1100 rpm, I can get her down to 1000 rpm but that's a bit choppy, need to vacuum sync the carbs. Went out on another test ride and rung her out, with good results. I have no weird hesitations off idle anymore and she pulls like a freight train to redline...okay maybe not a freight train, but like a SOHC 750 should with the 4500 to redline surge intact. Now that I have her running as she should again it's time to do the rest...