Author Topic: Carb Solenoid on 1977 cb750a  (Read 1826 times)

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Carb Solenoid on 1977 cb750a
« on: December 22, 2015, 12:45:03 PM »
Finally nearing the end of putting this 1977 cb750a together. Seems to run fine when setting but have not had on road yet. Question is the fuel solenoid has a short wiring harness with a black male connector and a green w/black tracer female connector. I cannot find other connectors on the bike that these would connect into. Found a lot of info and diagram on fuel solenoid but nothing about where the wires connect to.  Will I have difficulties with the bike bogging down if I do not connect the solenoid to electrical.  Also there is no filter on the crankcase breather hoses. Can I just put a aftermarket small filter on the vent hose. Once all together this bike will be for sale.
As always thanks much.
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Offline 05c50

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Re: Carb Solenoid on 1977 cb750a
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2016, 05:30:04 AM »
The carburetor throttle opener is used to increase the idle when the bike is in gear, but allow the idle speed to be the same when it's in neutral. The solenoid controls vacuum to a diaphragm connected to the carb. The solenoid receives it's signal from the changing relay. The green/black wire should connect to that relay. The the 77/78 model also uses a speed warning unit in line to turn off the system when the bike is decelerating at speed.
  Without the system working properly, the idle can be adjusted to the proper speed in neutral, but may be too low when in gear, or visa versa. A happy medium sometimes can be found, but when working properly, the bike idles very nicely in both modes.
  A filter on the end of the breather hose will work fine, and to some people, it's the preferred method.


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