Author Topic: Two Factories  (Read 626 times)

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Two Factories
« on: November 09, 2015, 09:09:42 AM »
There were two factories in New York City. One of them made maternity frocks for expectant mothers, so they were called the "Mothers Frockers."

The factory across the street made corks for wine bottles. They had to soak the corks before they could put them into the bottles, so they were called the "Cork Soakers."

One day a Cork Soaker didn't soak a cork long enough and it flew out of one of the bottles and hit one of the Mother Frockers in the eye. That made all the Mother Frockers mad at the Cork Soakers, so they went outside and had the biggest Mother-Frocking Cork-Soaking fight you ever saw.

'78 CB550K--Angie
'82 CB750 Custom--Eva

As soon as you straddle a bike expect every other driver on the road to suddenly start competeing for the title "Dumbestsonofa#$%*inallNorthAmerica!!"