Second story, echoing what Bobby related in reply 43.
My brother in law Fred, a medic in Vietnam, father of 8, teacher, believer. Fred lived 5 hours away in outstate Michigan. His first bout with cancer was 15? years ago, diagnosis prostate cancer. The local hospital sent him to Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit for robotic surgery which was successful and Fred was back on his feet in no time.
Years later he started having difficulty again, jaundiced and itching, his bile duct was blocked. Diagnosis pancreatic cancer. The local hospital was unable to fully treat him, and again he came to Detroit, this time to the Karamanos Cancer Institute. They inserted a stent into the blocked duct, and he was OK for a while. He returned to his home and work, but became ill again within a year. He returned to Karamanos and because of his persistence, his durability, his strong faith, he became a candidate for a Whipple surgery. Now, I dont know a Whipple from a whistle, but the Whipple surgery helped Fred. He returned to his home, his work, he was declared cancer free. The de facto victory party was at my daughters wedding reception a few months later. It was a joyous event on several accounts, and there was no beer left at the end of the evening!
He lived a regular life for several years on until he was stricken again, and passed away. But he had 15 years added to his life by seeking the best possible treatment available in the best hospitals. It wasn't easy time, we all worked hard to make things better for Fred. I hope and pray that you have the same strong advocates that Fred had, and also that you have access to the best Doctors, Hospitals, procedures, clinical trials, medicine.
Happy Thanksgiving and God Bless You and Yours, Raul