Author Topic: Condoms  (Read 624 times)

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Offline RevDoc

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« on: November 14, 2015, 08:57:42 PM »
Three years ago, after my divorce, I found myself in the position of having to buy condoms, something I hadn`t had to do for better than twenty years. The selection was overwhelming, and I asked the pharmacy clerk for some help.

He extoled the virtues of latex, ribbed, lubricated, colored, glow in the dark (assuming you can`t find it any other way), Magnum size (no laughing), and more. At last, as he was running out of breath, I asked which condom he recommended. He replied "The condom made of lamb`s intestine has a more natural feel."

I said "Not to us city boys."

'78 CB550K--Angie
'82 CB750 Custom--Eva

As soon as you straddle a bike expect every other driver on the road to suddenly start competeing for the title "Dumbestsonofa#$%*inallNorthAmerica!!"