Author Topic: Wiggle your toe  (Read 588 times)

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Wiggle your toe
« on: November 26, 2015, 09:11:51 AM »
My kid told me this story today and it just cracks me up.
He was at a laundromat washing and drying his clothes the other day when he notices a fellow walk in saying hello to everyone but notices how no one replies to him, my kid thought that was kind of rude so when this man came to my son to say hello my son being the polite person he is says hello back to the man ....... and that's when things started getting weird. My kid had never met this man before yet the man acted as if they knew each other saying things like how you doing, how have you been and so on and again being polite my kid continued to reply to the man even though something wasn't right here. The next thing the man says is "hey I like your shoes" he then bends down to touch my kids shoe and says " Is that your toe? Wiggle it" about that time my kid is thinking WTF is going on here but the man wouldn't take his finger off my kids shoe until he wiggled his toe. I don't know what was actually wrong with the man but apparently from that point on he went into a continuous loop where he walks around the laundromat then go straight back to my kid and again say "hey I like your shoes" touch his toe and again says "Is that your toe? Wiggle it"

According to my kid this continuous loop went on 15 times and each time my kid wiggles his toe. The dryer by this time had finished drying its load and he had another load of clothes in the washer but by this time my kid had enough and he didn't care if the load in the washer still needed to be dried, he just wanted to get the hell out of there ASAP so he grabbed all his clothes some still damp some dried and out the door he goes only to have the man follow him out to his car, gives my kid a hug and then asks "If you were a farm animal, which one would you want to be?" My kid blows the question off but as he sets in his car ready to swing his legs in the man again took the opportunity to touch my kids shoe and ask "Is that your toe? Wiggle it"

My kid told his roommate about it and his roommate laughed and told my kid that man he met was a regular at the laundromat which explained why no one else there replied to him when he said hello because they too probably had to wiggle their toes too ..... and most certainly sat back and enjoyed the show when they saw my kid fall into the same routine. Now please don't think I'm ridiculing whatever disability the man had, what ever issue he had he couldn't help it, what was funny about it though was how my kid dealt with interacting with the man.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2015, 02:51:39 PM by Bailgang »

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Re: Wiggle your toe
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2015, 11:45:51 AM »
 ;D Thanks for sharing, Scott

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