Author Topic: First Entry & already have a Question  (Read 480 times)

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Offline Birddogvet

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First Entry & already have a Question
« on: November 23, 2015, 05:08:23 AM »
Just purchased before our northern Midwest, other side of the Pacific Winter, a 2003 Nighthawk 750 with 10k miles in mint condition. The bike came with a backrest/luggage rack and centerstand.
After talking to the previous owner, it seems that the last maintenance done was last year.

My question is that before storing her, I want to change the oil and install a magnetic drain plug. I like the Dimple brand from the days of my Shadow, but the problem is that they offer two sizes for the CB 750 (C model and the other for the  F1/F2 models). Which one is the 2003 Nighthawk? Google and Wiki do not offer much help.
Any comment would be much appreciated.

P.S. My other bike is a Suzuki DR650 SE and after vowing to always be a one bike owner, I said, "to heck with it" after riding her to Mexico. Could not be more thrilled with he NH.
Plan on raising the handlebars, looking forward to what you have to offer.