Thank you, Ron.
I like the double color.
I would just clean it well and kept it like this, original patina is great.
That is the plan.
Cleaning and keeping original parts whereever it is possible.
Painting frame and frame related parts, e.g. oil tank and swing arm, only partiually where necessary.
To me, a 46 old bike not only consists of a 46 year old engine and frame. Its the total of all parts.
So I spend a lot of time de-rusting and cleaning bolts, srews (of corse), nuts, washers and springs.
Doing that gives me some sort of peace at the end of a heavy day in the office.
Gives me the good feeling that most parts of that bike will still be the parts the bike was assembled with 46 years ago.
Must not look as new simply because the bike is not new.
New parts so far:
- front wheel spokes
- Mission cover screws
- ignition, ignition cover + screws
- Oil filter and bolt for the oil filter cover
- air filter (NOS)
-oil lines from/to oil tank
- set of Conti tyres
- diverse gaskets (exhaust, oil filter, mission cover..)
- handle switch screws
- brake pads (NOS)
- muffler connecting tubes + bands
+ re- chromed rear wheel and spokes (cinked)