Author Topic: 1979 XR75 clicking noise.  (Read 1094 times)

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Offline BollarNPS

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1979 XR75 clicking noise.
« on: December 02, 2015, 07:59:36 PM »
okay so the engine had bad compression so i took the engine out and found that i only had about 1/3 of both the rings. bought new rings and had the top end cleaned and honed. puting the bike back together and everything seems fine cam in with chain attached. i can spin the circle thing (having a real bad brain fart right now) and the piston goes up and down with no problem or noises everything seems fine at this point. When i put the piece that sits on top of the cam that holds the lifters and tighten it down then go to turn the motor there is like a click at the top of each cam hump. What would cause this as this is my first engine rebuild. Got it for free and decided to rebuild this to learn the basics of a motor before i take on anything larger. Thanks for your time. ::)

Offline becken

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Re: 1979 XR75 clicking noise.
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2015, 06:34:15 AM »
Is the cam chain tensioner working properly? If the cam chain has slack it will allow the cam to jump forward as you go past center. We're the rings broken and did you find all the pieces? Are the valves sticking and being hit by the piston? Are the valves adjusted properly? Are you turning the crankshaft in the right direction? I'm not personally familiar with this particular engine, but am just asking general questions.
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Offline BollarNPS

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Re: 1979 XR75 clicking noise.
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2015, 03:53:02 PM »
I resolved the problem without knowing how I fixed it. Just kept playing with the thing till it work. Thinking I just had timing off. It now has 125 psi compression when I turn it over using a drill. Reinstalled everything on bike and it's back to the same problem I had where it just doesn't start. This little bike has me stumped