I have this problem too. I've been told a fix by a builder here.
IMO: The crush washers won't do anything to the torque value. It will just crush. Just like the Fs and many other models that have hardened washers on some head studs and copper washers on head studs that carry oil.
The lower case studs/main bearing studs are 8mm.
What has happened is that the sealer was not appied on the main bearing saddles up to nearly the main bearing studs. Oil is allowed to wick down the studs (I have studs, you have bolts, same dif) and sneak out past the hardened washers.
I am going to try some copper washers, I bot off eBay. Try putting a little non--hardening sealer on your bolt threads, give it 10 minutes to firm up, then reinsert. Then also put non-hardening (Gasgacinch is my fav) on the bolt heads and on your crush washers, let set, then finish up.
Good luck. You get done before me let us know how it works.