On the 78 550K the carbs are "emission control", in the US the primary jets are pressed in, anyway they're a PIA to work on. I have a set of carbs from either a 75 or 76, they have the same bore as the one from the 78, but they're jetted a bit differently (smaller primary, larger main). Also, there's about a 1/4" difference in the spread of the carbs on the mounting thingy (right to left for the set)(sorry if I'm not too clear), but it's not enough to be a problem for mounting (well, not a serious one, anyway). The throttle cable (open) will be a couple inches too long with the swap. Also, the choke is a lever on the carb assembly, not a pull nob next to the ignition switch. I like that set up better too.
I was never able to get the engine to run on all four with the original set, but with the new (older) ones they all fire fine. I'm not sure about the year on my carbs because a friend gave them to me and they came from a lot of CB SOHC parts that HE bought from a friend of his.