put a brand new battery in a old cb400f friend of mine a month ago. Yep I broke down and quit using the kick starter. It's been working #$%*en. Got, or had a valve cover gasket leaking fairly to midland. Had all but the valve adjusters slackened to take the cover off to change the oring. Asked here on the forum for help. Impatience got me, I put it back together and was going to attempt to check everything, compression, and "another" float check after over 21 of them, timing, and the whole thing first. So I went for a ride to warm it up. And check for obvious pressure leaks with a soapy water squirt bottle. Runs great, maybe too great. got it back warm, first thing I did was check the voltage on new battery. 12.5 I'm like dangit. So I start it and do a quick rev voltage test, and at about 13.4v total somewhere over 2000, and that is where the little beast quit producing, up to 5000. The very ride before was textbook manual perfect in the charge department. I wasn't looking for electrical issues this trip!