Damn, it's been nearly a whole month since I've posted and I feel like I've barely accomplished anything despite all my time in the garage. Everything is finally out of the frame. All bushings, bearings, and races have been removed. So far I've gotten 3 powder coating quotes and I'm waiting to hear back from a few other local places. So far the estimates I've been given were $400, $500-$600, and $800, pretty wide range.
Engine is out and I've cleaned it up a bunch since this, I need to paint the case, polish up the covers and replace seals and gaskets.
I started cleaning up a some of the aluminum, once I've got everything polished I'm going to try out some clear that I got from Eastwood called Exo Armor, it's a metal clear that says it won't yellow and is supposedly good up to 2000 degrees. I'll let you know how it works.
I even decided to pull the hubs to polish, I bought some shiny new spokes and rims I'm excited to lace up. I've got about a dozen boxes of new and used parts in my room that are filled with all kinds of fun stuff. Stay tuned to see.