BILL: Don't get down !!!!! go in your shop and work on that Black Beauty until all is perfect with her motor. You have spent lots of funds and need to get results, if you are running race gas then clean things out as I spent many days cleaning NEUTEC race fuel off of BUSA THROTTLE BODIES that looked like dried tobacco spit on their blades= you go faster but need cleaning every time. Carb cleaner $3.00 a can.
Pops, that Neutec was some nasty $h!@. Predecessor to todays crack fuel that Bill uses. I simply refuse to use that oxygenated stuff as i see no need to go through all that hassle just to bracket race. It adds a little horspower but to me, the gains are not worth the cost or trouble for our SOHC bikes. I got enough maintenance to do with my bikes after a race and removing fuel from the tank and carbs each time simply does not add up. But hey, to each his own. I'm on a poor boy budget anyway so i'll stick with my $55/5 gallon pail, Renegade fuel and keep running low to mid 10' second times. Lol.
Come on Bill- git er done so you can lower the bar. You got some top notch, high dollar parts in that engine. It should produce some low numbers once that head is fixed. Might give me incentive to step my program up and complete the mono shock project bike.
Memphis, we'll line em up first time run on saturday for braggin rights. The fellas on the sideline can place some bets.