I've messed a bit with the K7 wiring on my K5 and nothing electrical makes sense, unless you pulled loose a wire when you were installing he new cable. But, if you have not adjusted that new throttle cable, check when the bike is idling that all four pipes are equally hot. It may be that the carbs are no longe opening properly with the new unadjusted cable and you are not firing on all four.
OK, I feel like typing some more, so that's why this is edited.
The clutch switch on a K7 exists only to potentially provide a ground for the starter circuit. The starter circuit gets its ground either from the neutral light or the clutch switch. Neither of those really ties into the running electrical system, except as a source of power. If either somehow were grounded or bad in a way that could affect the whole electrical system, I think the result would be a bit more dramatic than the bike dying.
So I have to go back to the carbs. You need to bump you engine a bit to get the bike to stay running in gear. If it is running on only two cylinders it can die as soon as you pull in the clutch when the clutch adds that stress to the engine. So even if it sounds like the engine is revving, it may have little torque.
But... check your coil wires. One might have come loose when you played with the tank.