Author Topic: Neat trick if you're using a starter kit size of Por15 for your gastank.  (Read 357 times)

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Offline mycoal

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The full size por15 motorcycle tank kit costs about $50 - $60 shipped and comes with an 8oz bottle of Por15. The starter kit is $20 shipped and comes with a 4oz bottle of Por15. The degreaser can be diluted 10 to 1 with hot water and is enough for a tank. Especially if you use your own degreaser with lots of hot water ahead of time. The small bottle of metal ready is sufficient as long as you swirl it around slowly and constantly without making it foam up (10 - 15 minutes).

The trick to using the 4oz can is to fill a bucket with the hottest water that comes out of your bath tub or sink and submurge the small can in there. I'm not talking about using boiling water, that would probably cause your can to exploded and permanently make anything in proximity black. But just painfully hot water. You'll find that the Por15 runs much thinner, almost like water. If you don't do this then it runs like molasses and takes forever to cover a tank. It's important that you completely dry the can once you take it out of the water. You don't want a single drop going into the paint. Might even be a good idea to seal it in a plastic bag before submerging and suck all the air out.

Also, keep your tank in the hot sun so it doesn't cool the por15 down on contact. Plus por15 cures faster in heat anyway. You'll find that even the tiny 4oz can of por15 is too much for 1 tank.
1978 CB750K with 1977 GL1000 front end