Author Topic: Love Line  (Read 612 times)

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Love Line
« on: January 02, 2016, 06:38:02 AM »

Paul was ambling through a crowded street fair when he decided to stop and sit at a Palm Reader's table. Said the mysterious old woman, "For fifteen dollars, I can read your love line and tell your romantic future."
Paul readily agreed and the reader took one look at his open palm and said, "I can see that you have no girlfriend."
"That's true," said Paul.

"Oh my goodness, you are extremely lonely, aren't you?"

"Yes," Paul shamefully admitted. "That's amazing. Can you tell all of this from my love line?"
"Love line? No, from the calluses and blisters."

'78 CB550K--Angie
'82 CB750 Custom--Eva

As soon as you straddle a bike expect every other driver on the road to suddenly start competeing for the title "Dumbestsonofa#$%*inallNorthAmerica!!"