An update -
The evaporust did something because it sure didn't look this color before! This was about a 2 hour soak, near the low end. The bottle recommends 1-12. I didn't feel comfortable leaving it overnight due to the potential of chemical stains so I decided to remove it and try the scotch brite again. Ehh..
It worked okay, but no better than the Berkabile 2+2 gum cutter. The stuck parts were still stuck.
I think if you let this product run its course over the full 12 hours it would work well. You can see pretty clearly how it did on the raw metal in this picture below. Only the bottom half was in the evaporust. The best part is that this solvent gives off no fumes and is easy to handle. I simply used nitrile gloves and had no issues working with it sans mask. I wore goggles as I'd rather not get it in my eyes, but it doesn't cause instant blindness like some of these other evil solutions.
I rinsed it off, blew it dry with compressed air, put the spark plugs back in and now I have the valve seats sitting in Simple Green aircraft cleaner. This is much more potent and should be equivalent to sitting it in the Berkabile gum cutter over night. I'll be waking up at 6am to have a look!