I've received some good input on this and would like to share my thoughts so far:
1. The vision:
I'd like to do small, scenic, less travelled two lane roads. You know, the ones that go past farms, little rivers and lakes, and offer an enjoyable twisty ride at a moderate pace. (Moderate is key, I don't want to start a race! But I also don't want to lolly gaggle along like a girl on her first tricycle). I'd like to keep the group somewhat together by choosing stopping points ahead of time. But we don't need to be fender to fender either.
2. The timing:
Right now I'm thinking a weekend day, but I'm not sure the best time of day. Hopefully you all have opinions. The route (more on this later) is a little over 3 hours from my starting point of my hometown. So, do we start early in the morning and make lunch our end point? Or, given my location, start later, like after lunch and end in the early evening for food and or drinks.
I don't plan to do this during bike week. Maybe even once a month if people are interested.
3. The route:
Here's my idea so far:
https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Bri...0x4cb35e8843b0b5d7:0xa99dc2442e298ea0!1m0!3e0This is a 3.5 hour ride without stops, and a little over 100 miles. These are all paved roads. I've ridden most of them and find them to be in pretty good shape. I'll do some scouting when spring arrives.
So here are the points of interest:
Newfound Lake starting point. I live nearby and could have everybody meet at my place for any last minute chain lubricating or tire inflating. Then on to scenic Haverhill, NH via country roads. There is gas there. Next, Bath, NH, covered bridge and another potential gas stop. Then over 112 to 118, both awesome roads. Into Warren ending in Plymouth for food and drinks at Foster's Boiler Room. (We could also do a BBQ back at my place).
4. Inviting folks:
As mentioned, I would welcome anyone to join, but I'll be riding my old bike. These roads are prime habitat for vintage machines. I'll continue to update here and on a couple of other motorcycle forums and will start a Facebook group as well. There are some local opportunities to connect too, through bike shops and the local bike night for example.
5. What do ya'all think? Input is welcome and appreciated!