My mom's '01 Subaru Outback had shredded its serpentine belt Thursday. We bought another belt and I installed it where it had broken down in the dark by flashlight. The tensioner felt OK. Only problem was within 3 miles it ate the new bet and the tensioner had lunched the bearings and the bolt securing the bearings and tensioner wheel was missing. Had the car towed to a shop near where Mom lives. Found out today they weren't able to fix it and ordered a replacement tensioner out of Knoxville, 100 miles away, and it would be here Monday. They quoted her $200 for the work, $75 for labor, $30 for the belt we paid $25 for a Dayco, and looks like $100 for the tensioner. The Advanced Auto in Bristol quoted it for $76 and they could have it in 20 minutes, about as long as it would take to drive there to buy it.
So, they made some markup. She's not a happy camper and requires hand controls in the car due to an accident about 15 years ago.
So, given the usual Brembo runs $200 at least and more like $250 your $450 is a little high...wonder what the dealer pays for the part shipped to their store? Wonder what they would charge to install it?
Crazy thing is they are charging $75 for the work and I have the beauty cover off so it is one bracket and then remove a 10 mm nut and loosen a 12mm nut to remove a guard and then a 8mm hex to remove the tensioner. 20 minutes work tops.
I'm presuming $75 is an hours labor.