Dow Hi Temp brake grease.
Red LocTite (motor/exhaust studs)
DOT 3 brake Fluid.
More beer.
The DOW High Temp grease is a High Temp Vacuum & Petcock Grease used in lab work. Ebay sellers will sell you a small container of it or you can go for a big tube. It has an expiration date...don't know what that means with respect to the product performance or suitability.
The Brake Assembly Lube can be bought at NAPA...Silicone used on backs of pads and hardware, piston and seal get the Assembly Lube of course... never want the silicone to contaminate the fluid. The Dow stuff will not migrate or melt at operating temps or above operating temps until it get extremely hot (your brakes would be boiling if it were to attempt to reach that temp...) So, because it won't melt and run it is ideal for the application.
TwoTired was very wise and he wrote up an excellent brake how to...worth looking up.