Don- All the insight you give is greatly valued and never taken as patronizing. Actually, patronize all you want, your knowledge is a heck of a lot greater than mine! shoot me a text if you can still meet up this weekend!
I guess I was under the impression that CM GSX-R triple clamps were a different offset than the standard GSXR, I thought I read something about 30mm? maybe I'm mistaken though, I looked at a lot of parts last night. I also didn't see any CB550 stems mentioned on their site, I only saw custom stems for the 750's?
I guess we can chat in person about this, I would love to get a complete understanding of the 'right way' to do this before I start buying parts to litter my apartment with.
(I do have access to a shop with a welder etc, not sure about a lathe)
GV1390- Maybe I would if I didn't just give you all my money! =P
grcsmna2- I plan on emptying/washing this tank even though I'm looking for a replacement (without the sweet dents)