Didn't have much of a choice. The bike came to me with the top end off. Somewhere along the line water got in it which I discovered when I turned the motor on it's side and a cup of water poured out of the bottom end all rusty.
754, My condolences. I have (had) 4 brothers and a sister, all of us roughly a year apart. My parents are 86, my sibs and I are between 63 and 59. My grandparents were all gone by the time I was 5 and don't remember much of them. This was the first death in the family of a close family member. We have been spread out and when I got married in 1987 I brought my whole family together for the first time in 19 years. I mentioned at the time to enjoy it because I was afraid the next time all of us were in the same room at the same time one of us would be in a wooden box. Well the moment will never happen, it was 28 years later before my brother passed last year. There was no funeral or service at all. The family is spread out on all four corners of the states and it just wasn't an easy task to assemble everyone. He was cremated and sits on the mantle in the folks home in Ct.