The other half is down in Phoenix, kidney failure. We both new it was coming. 16 years on this one which is good. Just waiting on the word for blood order to see if I match. I only need one anyway.
This is nothing new to me as I have been thru 3 transplants with her. Not my organs at least not yet. Will see.
I have to keep my mind occupied. I just can't sit here and think about it. Today I decided to work on the fuel tank.

First thing is to mark the tank.

The key here is to use in to out strokes keeping the file shavings down as much as possible. I also suggest using a big rat tail file as this keeps the circumference somewhat even.
File a little at a time checking for fit making sure the petcock assembly slides in freely.


Check fitment. Petcock is not in the final position. I'll turn tight when I get to that point. Blew tank out with compressed air but will rinse out also.

No more issues with a vaccum petcock. It's gone.