Cal that's a good emotional response but we all cede our freedom to some one else if we didn't we wouldn't live in built up area's (cities, town's, hamlets, states, provinces, countries) and we wouldn't have snow plowing, highways, trains, markets, etc. My feeling is we pay these #$%*s for something and if they are not delivering for what ever reason, they should be fired or wages cut, after all if we were working for someone and weren't doing our jobs we would be fired, so as the bosses of the whole infra structure we want value for our money paid out and if the FBI or whoever is #$%*ing about they should be put on notice the people are going to want some money back out of everyone's salary in the organization, think about the message sent and the FBI's freedom. I think all of us have missed a point, they have a responsibility to us and not necessarily a political one. Maybe we should think about this in a different way.
Bill the demon.