The idle hangs when the slides are open too far because there isn't enough vacuum to pull fuel through and it causes a lean condition. Once the slides are lowered more vacuum is created and more fuel is then pulled in. Once you get the bike fully warm it should idle at 1000 rpm. Leave it there and don't touch it these bikes run crappy when cold and will need some throttle holding until it can keep its own idle.
Yeah, I've always heard this is the way it is on CB's, but out of all my CBs this is the only one that won't idle right during warm up. Are all of your 500/550s like this? Is this really a 500/550 thing?
What is your timing like? One of my bikes suddenly started feeling really weak and eventually started to die on long rides. Somehow my timing became 10° retarded and it made my bike feel like something was seriously wrong I went so far as changing jets and needle heights but it was just the timing. Also make sure your advance is working properly.
Other than carbs, setting my timing and checking my advance was the last thing I did. The timing was a bit off, I adjusted it, and the advance wasn't sticking. Perhaps I'll take another look again, its been like 6 months and she's been my daily.
The next thing I'm doing is adjust my fuel levels. And since I'll have the bowls off, I'd like to do another jet swap. Currently I'm using #110s and since I'm currently experiencing a bad power loss on the high end, I'm contemplating going back up to #115s, while the needle clips are at 2nd groove. It's totally bogging down at WOT. It didn't do that when I was running bigger mains. Thoughts?
It's normal to use the choke whenever the engine is at ambient temperature, it's not only for when it's actually cold out. Even in the summer when it's 90° I need choke to start if the engine is at ambient temp. And the bike will run rough when the choke is on, that's normal.
Yeah, before I made the changes I didn't need a choke at all. Now I do only until it starts running, which I was mentioning it as progress.
Set the fuel heights and take it for a spin. The plug chops are not just for minor tweaks. They can help you with larger moves too. After you take it for a spin and sense where your bike is after the float levels are proper, you'll start with a plug chop at WOT. Really giving it the beans for as long as you can...multiple minutes. Read the plugs and it'll tell you what to do.
Nice bike!
Regarding turboed's comment on timing, I've just assumed (maybe wrongly) that the full 3k mile service has been completed. Tappets, cam chain, point gap and timing, etc. If not, stop everything and do that in the order that's in the FSM.
How about some more pictures? Some close ups of the carbs would be nice.
Priority is to set the fuel heights. Going to do another tube test on the bench. I can't wait to read the plugs, at the moment it doesn't idle well and I can't even get it to WOT either.
I've serviced everything u mentioned, I do need to auto-adjust the cam chain tension-er though, I can hear it's a tad loose. It's on the list of my other issues I'm sparing y'all on. Oil pan leak, can't move to neutral, replace rear shocks, squeeeeeling front brake, etc. etc.
I'll pop up some more photos soon! Since this is a thread about my 069A, below is a glamor shot!
Also, just saw that you're in Manhattan. I'm in southern CT about an hour and a half out. We should ride some time 
Totally, always down for a ride! I bet CT has better moto-roads than NYC...