Hi Everyone,
Semi good news. The engine starts, it even revs up. I've been able to do about 100 meters with the bike. That said, it seems that following PCW advice and checking for temperature that only exhaust 1 and 4 are hot. 2 and 3 I was able to put my hand on it. It was warm but not burning as you would expect the exhaust to be at the exit of the engine. That tells me that I'm running on 2 cyl. or 3, exhaust 3 was warmer than 2 but still not burning.
I've swapped the coils. Still the exhaust 1 and 4 are the hot one. So the coil are not dead. May be the wiring to the right coil(feeds cyl 2 and 3) are not good. May be a bad spark unit, given how they looked before I put putty in them, it;s possible that they one is dead. I guess I could swap them and see if the opposite cylinders become hot. That would point to it if it changes.
Also, some oil dropping from to oil pan. That s%$ks since I will have to drain the oil to try to seal the oil pan better, possibly change the seal and buy another 4 pints of oil
Still have to install, rear flasher (and receive my flasher unit from china), the rear brake light, license plate ....
More to come I guess ...