yasssss, why didnt i think of that!!?!?!
nah, its all for style. there is no performance benefit. i tried to make something a little wild, while also paying a little homage to the 4 into 4 design of the original. i was limited by funds: those cone eng muffs are no the cheapest thing to get here in canuckistan. with an unlimited budget i would have gone for the 4 into 1 into 5 to keep a little bit more mid-range.

I am building it for my wife. her only design criteria is 'i want it to be loud'. it is internally baffled to mimic a stock pipe, and there is a butterfly in there that is operated by a second choke cable so that when i start it in my driveway i can dial up more baffling until i get out of my driveway so the neighbours don't get too pissed.