Clean the hell out of those carbs, put 'em back together and fire it up!
The photo of the "hole" in the float bowl with the pick looks like you could be pointing to the drain -- all of your bowls should have that in there -- or a small nick. Either way, shouldn't be anything to worry about unless the nick is deep and leaks.
Thoroughly clean all the oem jets and floats. Make sure the float valves function properly and the seats are clean. Set the float height correctly. Spray carb cleaner through all of the fuel and air passages and follow it with compressed air. Pull your idle mixture and idle adjustment screws and springs and clean them and the passages out as well. You can try reusing the rubber, but if it leaks you'll have to pull the carbs off again and replace it, so you could get oem replacements. Pull the drain plug screws, and thoroughly clean them out as well. If they are stubborn, use a little heat (space heater or hair dryer work just fine). Examine the parts you pull for signs of wear, including the needles. Bench sync them, then when they're mounted do a proper sync. Inspect your boots (the mounts to the engine and to the airbox) and make sure they are pliable and don't have any cracks. And make sure you get a good seal when you remount your carbs. Be careful what you clean your carb bodies with, you don't want anything corrosive or that will discolor your bodies (such as CLR).
And make sure your battery is fully charged and in good shape.
I'm sure I'm forgetting some stuff, and others will chime in.