We don't have much in the way of visuals from you. Does this look like your output shaft with the engine case bump sticking out or is it flush? Pictures REALLY help us help you.
OK, next, from this picture you will notice (barely) the sprocket 'shoulder' inside the washer and bolt. It has a 'shoulder' on ONLY the outside edge and not the inside edge. The stock CB750 530 front sprocket has shoulders on BOTH sides. If you use your stock 530 sprocket you will give it MORE offset than you should have. The 77/78 engines used a 630 sprocket that did NOT have a shoulder on the inside where it bolts to the output shaft end. This is the CB650 sprocket I mentioned.
At the least run some form of straight edge across your rear sprocket to the front sprocket. Maybe get a piece of square bar stock from Lowes or Home Depot hardware section.
I'm having a hard time understanding what you refer to as the 'inner stepped spacer'. Do your self a favor if you haven't and use
http://www.motogrid.com/OEMpartfinder.htm?aribrand=HOM to plug in the different models on the left, get your part number then plug that in on the right side and see which models that actual part number fits. You may find that you already have the same 'inner stepped spacer'.