Tech Forums > SOHC/4 Bikes

I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!

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Hey Dave (or should I say 'Linen?). Where you been hiding lately, and did you ever get that seat re-covered? Steve P.
PS Terry - I cleaned up that washed out drag machine you presented. How's that look?

Just a thought,
 When I sit down to monkey with my carbs, and I seem to have a S&M fasination in messing with carbs I use a set of old float bowls which I modified by wacking the overflow tubes off. Hook up clear plastic tubing to the bottom and presto instantly tells you the level of the fuel in the bowl.

Sandcast 2356:
This whole float tuning bowl thing interests me, can you post any pics? I'm assuming you hold the tube facing up and see what level it sits at? Makes sense good idea.

Yes, I can send a picture. Its pretty simple. I had an old set of bowls that where junky, like corroded and such. I just took my dremel tool and cut off the brass stand pipe. Then put a clear piece of tubing on the bottom of the bowl where the overflow tubing would normally be.

 Also make a gas container out of a one gallon metal can. Mine was an old marvel mystery can but any one gallon metal can would work (acetone, MEK container etc.) Used an old petcock equally junky as the carb bowls. The stand pipe on the petcock was all corroded so I cut it off. Drilled three holes in the bottom of the metal can (below the top hole). The center hole for fuel to pass and the other two for the mounting screws. I then used a socket on a long extension to put the nuts on the petcock mounting screws. I used a peice of tape around the nuts to hold them in the socket while I got them started on the screws. Now I have a little can to hang on the bars to sync. the carbs. Complete with two outlets and an off position.



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