Tech Forums > SOHC/4 Bikes

I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!

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i agree...though if they are f2 carbs they should already have rubber tipped needles....., also check the bowel geskets.... peace... btw do you know andrew barker of the 750 owners club down there?

Shame on you Terry. Where is the acknowledgement for Peter Finch?

My contribution for what it's worth at least will demonstrate that you are not alone.
I just finished a rebuild of my CB400F2, balanced the carbs on a makeshift tank, and forgot to reconnect the fuel line when re fitting the proper tank.
Fuel was deposited over my newly laquered engine case ruining the finish ( I had ommited to use petrol resistant laquer) so I had to spray it all again. Ho hum!!!
Good luck with the carbs,

Terry in Australia:

--- Quote from: Spear on April 04, 2005, 05:48:17 AM ---Shame on you Terry. Where is the acknowledgement for Peter Finch?

--- End quote ---

Well done Steve, I didn't think anyone else would remember the great man or the famous line from that movie "Network" from which he left his mortal coil................

Anyway, last night I pulled my old carbs out of the box under my workbench, and pulled the pilot jet that was causing the "no-idle" situation in cylinder #4 originally, and sure enough, it was terminally blocked. I tried to clear it with my oxy/acetylene tip cleaners, gun wash and shop air, all to no avail, but as I'd previously cannibalised another set of carbs that Clyde had sent me, I found one that was clear, gave it a clean and installed it, after of course pulling all the other carbs apart and cleaning every jet and orificie.

I checked the float levels and they were about right (14.5mm +/- .5mm) and the only glaring difference I noticed was that the pilot screws were wound out about 2 - 2 1/2 turns contrary to the factory manual's initial start position of 1 3/4 turns out. I had to "down tools" as my new favourite TV show "Myth Busters" was about to start, so didn't finish the cleanup, but tonight I'll "Bench Synch" the slides and refit the carbs after draining my fuel tank, cleaning the gauze filter and refilling it with nice fresh gas.

To answer a couple of the previous posts, the float needles are the rubber tipped type, and the bowl gaskets are the rubber O ring type. I'd had no problems with bowls leaking before but I think the fuel was leaking out of the air box, what I hadn't done when I cleaned the other carbs was blow the crud out of the overflow tube in the float bowl and I think that may have been blocked, allowing the fuel to rise up and flood that carb and run back into the airbox. I made sure that I cleaned out each of the overflow tubes this time, and refitted the float bowls in their original order.

I should have it all back together tonight (not much on TV on Tuesday night here) so I'll let you guys know how it all went. Thanks for your input so far, Cheers, Terry. ;D

Listen here, Chung. For your information - mate - the Aussie Dollar is doing a lot better than the Yankee Dollar. One Aussie Dollar will buy 78 of your cents. That's a lot better than it was 12 months ago when it got down to nearly 45 cents. Anyway, Australia is in the best financial position it's been for many years - way better than at your end. So, you had that haircut yet??


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