Loaded Ready:
Pits (Ricks motorhome and trailer. Note: "Nitro Rollator" parked in lineup
Official pit bike:
Bike's at Tech. Coincidence my motel room was next door to tech official so he did mine preliminarily the night before. I got in and out quick. Turns out I was too conscientious about wiring. They did want me to remove the paseenger pegs. These bikes are Rick's: (Upper left in the distance you can see a tailfin of a large cargo plane (747?). On the active part of the airfield. Wilmington was once home to largest fleet of 747 cargo planes in the world.
World's Fastet Model T: 208mph
Friend of the build, Ed:
World's fastest tractor: 108 mph
One run Phaedrus:
Rick and Preston:
Rick with Phaedrus:
Preston with 500 Ascot single. Headcheeze puked on the line:
Nice roadster:
View from the start line down the track.
Already signed up for the September event. Ordered and received a 43 t rear aluminum sprocket from Sprocket Specialist. Seriously light. Don't really care about that though, just want the speed. Now running a 18/48 and pull past redline in 5th.