Damn right. Stay alert everywhere!
I was rear-ended way back in '89 while stopping to make a left turn.
I was almost stopped waiting for oncoming traffic and a kid in a Mustang doing ~25-30 hit me from behind.
He hit my bike ('81 XL185s) so hard it stuck upright in his front end and I was pushed along until he stopped.
(The skid marks didn't start until the point of impact.)
Lucky me the Mustang had a low front end.
I went up on the hood into the windshield and then back off to the pavement.
Fortunately I survived with a few scrapes, bruises, and busted coccyx.
(Had he been in a truck or van I'd probably be dead or in a wheelchair.)
My bike was bright red, I was wearing a red helmet, a day-glo green tee-shirt and I was signaling.
I couldn't have been more visible unless I was on fire!
Also lucky was that there was Constable in an unmarked car right behind him who witnessed the whole event...
The kid had warrants, (and was arrested at the scene) suspended license, no insurance and I later found out a three-page driving record.
Three pages, single-spaced, of previous traffic violations.
And he was only 23.
To this day I am still very paranoid about riding in city traffic, with one eye always in the mirror.
(Apparently should have been more paranoid in '89 as well....)