* Project Update 4-29-07 *

Woke up early yesterday and headed down to the post office to mess around with the bike before I headed to the Rockers Reunion. With the recent weather I really didnt have any time to actually ride the bike and put some miles on it..After swapping the plate off the CB750 onto the CB450 I was ready to roll..

The first issue I was faced with was the bike not wanting to start. After figuring out the "sweet spot" of where the choke needed to be that issue was solved. Then I figured I would take it for a spin down Western to get some gas. I almost killed myself pulling onto the street because the throttle cable(s) were being pinched/pulled under the tank every time I turned the bars

. Never been on a bike where you dont need to turn the throttle to rev it

So we got the bike back to the post office, pulled the tank and re-routed the throttle cable so each side (one cable that splits to two) was on each side of the backbone. The tank goes back on the the issue was solved. By this time about 3 or 4 other guys showed up and were ready to get rollin to the show (about 15 blocks away). So, off we go.

Keep in mind this is the first time I have had this bike out on the road, in traffic, etc..
You feel like you are superman on this bike with the low bars and way far back rearsets. The seat
LOOKS good but def. is not as comfy as my Gualarri seat on my CB750. The rear brake def. needs to be adjusted because it basically didn't do anything to stop me. The 1/2 turn throttle is
WAY too touchy, and makes hitting the front brake "intresting" to say the least, so thats gonna get changed 4 sure. I hit a few solid bumps and was surprised on how well the bike took them. That big front tire had allot to do with it I am sure. This bike is def. a stoplight racer, and makes my CB750 feel like a Roadking

So about 1/2 way into the show our buddy Steven's low oil light lights up on his CB350 Cafe racer. So we pull into a gas station so he can check it out. Seems as if when he re-built the motor over the winter he forget to put oil in it

. So I sat in amazement to watch him dump 2 1/2 quarts of oil in that thing. Gotta love a Honda right ?

This whole time my bike was idling because I didn't want to shut it off, and deal with starting it again. Just sitting their making a whole bunch of noise as it idled along..Some more fellow Ton-Uppers came by and were looking over the bike when
WHAM, the bike dies.

. So I think I must of had the gas off. I go to check, gas is "on". I look at the headlite and I got nothing

. The thing is dead in the water ! So after a few select swear words and me almost launching my hat across Diversy we decide to try and push start it. Mind you it is about 80 outside and most of us are "rockered" up to dress the part for the show. I was just wearing jeans a work shirt but allot of the guys were in full leathers and what not..After 3 or 4 attempts we figure out the thing aint gonna start, so I start pushing..I was only about 5 blocks away, but 5 blocks in the city is allot different than 5 blocks in the burbs..

I did try to be pushed by another guy on his bike and what not, but that was just a bad situation, so I pushed it..
Long story short I finally get the bike to the show, and back it into a space in front of Delilah's. I pull the seat and everything looks in order, no burned or melted wires, etc. My guess is something is wrong with the charging system , and I prob. have been riding the thing on battery power alone this whole time. So now of course everyone at the show is all over my bike like flys on #$%*. The pipes, speed holes, schwin grips, and the bike's low stance itself was a
HUGE hit. I answered more questions and got more praise on this bike then I ever did on the CB750 (which felt nice after my pushing). I had about 70% of the vote for the best cafe racer but the club officials decided it would look kinda bad if a club member won (kinda looks biased), and especially for a bike that wasn't running on it own power (which I understand). I did get the thing started once and made it down the street full throttle for the crowd, but ended up pushing it back to it's spot

The whole show stopped when I got that thing running, which was a good feeling..
So all in all it was a good day, just alittle disappointing. Knowing my riding was done for the day I decided I might as well enjoy the show and drink, drink, drink. And thats exactly what I did. Wait till the pictures get posted fromthe show, and I betcha two to 1 that I am holding a Crown Royal & Coke. The bike got towed back to the post office in my buddies truck, put on the battery tender, went home and crashed out.. We are gonna tear into the wiring this week and figure/fix the issue.
Long day - but a good one.
The bike will be 100% come Mods Vs. Rockers time, and I am taking that damn 1st place this time !!