Guess I will be the first one to admit it but anybody left on Earth still running XP like me
Still with XP SP3 here on this desktop and our old laptop too. Wiki says it is still running on almost 8% of PCs as of January 2016, so we are not alone. Both of our computers are not compatible with Win 7 according to Microsoft, even though this desktop has a 3 gig Pentium 4, 2.5 gigs of DDR400 ram, hyper-threading technology, blah blah blah, all of the hot #$%* stuff from 10 years ago. As ancient as it is, it still runs in a pretty snappy manner. As for vulnerabilities, it is like sex, if you take some care where you dip your virtual wick, the risk is low, especially if you don't use IE and have a decent antivirus program. I am getting by with the free version of Avast these days.
XP is the last bastion for those of us who MUST us Microsoft's [I can't say the words bad enough here to describe their crap] OSes. In the world of industrial automation where I have worked for over 30 years, the major PLC (i.e., computers that run machines) manufacturers got in bed with Microsoft during Win2K, only to become unbelievably locked-in, grabbed by their throats, crammed into a very small box, and otherwise raped and abused by the decision, while the "minor" PLC makers have now come to dominate the entire world's PLC marketplace by making software that runs on everything. Oh, and it also runs on Microsoft's products by SUSPENDING WINDOWS when you boot it, so that the computer becomes stable enough to prevent it from making the machinery do dangerous things while you're plugged into it, because Windows got so constipated it finally crapped all over your program and made the machine go out of control....
I'd better quit now, or I'll get into a rant...