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Windows !0 upgrade
« on: April 05, 2016, 10:42:23 AM »
Well folks, time to ask the masses.
I am running Windows 7 at the moment, and am happy with it, but think the rug will be pulled out from under me regarding support with the 10 roll out, Do I bite the bullet now and change or do I wait. If I do wait, will they start charging for the upgrade, thoughts please
cheers scunny
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Re: Windows !0 upgrade
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2016, 10:56:44 AM »
I'm not an expert.. Ok, got that out of the way..  ;D I'm running 8.1, and perfectly happy with it, my brother is still running 7, like you.  I do have one friend who upgraded to 10, and he seems happy with it..

My opinion, and pretty much the only advice I ever got from my old man: if it ain't broke, don't fix it.. One plus for 10 would be that my friend's computer is 5 years old and it worked on it.. But I think by the time windows 7 doesn't work there will be several more operating systems...  But like I said, I'm no expert..  ::)

Edit: I have also heard that it costs if you want to go back to your original system.
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Re: Windows !0 upgrade
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2016, 11:19:14 AM »
Windows 7 Professional works like a dream!
I tried to upgrade to Windows 10 but it failed so a re-format fresh Win7 install.
My computer isn't all that old and has had recent hardware upgrades so there shouldn't have been any issues.

What support do you really think you need from Microsoft anyway?
If it works and you've got anti-virus software it should be fine for the life of your computer.
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Re: Windows !0 upgrade
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2016, 11:27:08 AM »
Win10 is a mix of 7 and 8/8.1. I 'upgraded' my new desktop 8.1 immediately since I couldn't figure out how those squares worked, go backwards or even turn the damn thing off LOL. I only have one problem with Win10. Refer to the LOL (insert grin here). I can't use my emoticons on this site! If you go for it and figure that out please let me know. (wink)
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Re: Windows !0 upgrade
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2016, 12:08:20 PM »
I may be a bit paranoid, but from what i have read I am going to try avoid running win10 if i can.  I am currently running Win7.  If support ends the lack of privacy continues, Linux here i come  >:(
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Re: Windows !0 upgrade
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2016, 12:38:33 PM »
Windows 7 will get security updates until 2020, no reason to upgrade to 10 unless you want to.

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Re: Windows !0 upgrade
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2016, 12:46:05 PM »
I AM a programmer (Controls Engineer, actually), and work on many, many different operating systems for a living - Hondas help me restore my sanity when it gets to me...the ones that "get to me" are always Windows-based POSes. Everything else works excellently, except Windows.

So...if you only use a computer for stuff like e-mail, the occasional document (or writing a book? :)  ), I can't too strongly suggest, "Use something else", like an Apple computer or even Linux (Ubuntu works well) OS on your present one. You won't be sorry, and your life will be much less irritated by things with keyboards, mice, and screens. ;)

Just my 2 cents...
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Re: Windows !0 upgrade
« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2016, 02:47:26 PM »
I've got Win 7 Pro which I bought myself and being I know how much a clean copy of Windows cost I was very skeptical when Microsoft was just giving away Win 10. I'm not a conspiracy theorist but I smelled a rat and the more Microsoft has been pushing Win 10 the more skeptical I became and have chosen to stick with Win 7 however my wife did the Win 10 "upgrade" on her comp and it seems to work just fine.

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Re: Windows !0 upgrade
« Reply #8 on: April 05, 2016, 03:20:42 PM »
Stick with win 7 Scunny, support till 2020, post again after that.... ;D ;)

PS, read the user agreement on win 10, it'll open your eyes for sure.. ;)
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Re: Windows !0 upgrade
« Reply #9 on: April 05, 2016, 03:27:28 PM »
I'm running Windows 10 and apart from a couple of small temporary glitches initially it's been fine.

Edge is a much faster browser than IE but less versatile as it doesn't support extensions. You can still use IE or Chrome as your browser if you wish.

You can try Windows 10 and if you don't like it you can roll back to your previous operating system within a month of installing it. Any longer and it's permanent.

There is no official upgrade advisor for windows 10 but since you are moving from Windows 7 it might be an idea to check out the system requirements here.

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Re: Windows !0 upgrade
« Reply #10 on: April 06, 2016, 05:00:33 AM »
Windows 10 is a good OS and what Windows 8/8.1 should have been. If you are truly worried about the privacy of Windows 10 you may just want to put your tin foil hat on because its no different than using Google products or going shopping.

We are deploying Windows 10 into our environment and work and people are liking it and embracing it more than Windows 8.

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Re: Windows !0 upgrade
« Reply #11 on: April 06, 2016, 09:42:47 AM »
I still run a Vista machine at my home office to do the bulk of my video editing, Windows is stopping support on that OS. I put 10 on my newest machine and it's fine.
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Offline Retro Rocket

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Re: Windows !0 upgrade
« Reply #12 on: April 06, 2016, 04:58:12 PM »
Windows 10 is a good OS and what Windows 8/8.1 should have been. If you are truly worried about the privacy of Windows 10 you may just want to put your tin foil hat on because its no different than using Google products or going shopping.

What you've conveniently left out is that, with good internet security NO information about your shopping habits, you credit card details, your passwords or anything like that gets kept by anyone, except with windows 10, all that information is kept by Microsoft and distributed to who ever they like because its kept at the computer and sent directly to microsoft, not online, with win 7, it doesn't, all my online shopping or transactions are done on a virtual system through my Internet security, NOTHING goes anywhere, its has NOTHING to do with tinfoil hat paranoia, its a fact...
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Re: Windows !0 upgrade
« Reply #13 on: April 06, 2016, 05:03:18 PM »
Windows 10 is a good OS and what Windows 8/8.1 should have been. If you are truly worried about the privacy of Windows 10 you may just want to put your tin foil hat on because its no different than using Google products or going shopping.

What you've conveniently left out is that, with good internet security NO information about your shopping habits, you credit card details, your passwords or anything like that gets kept by anyone, except with windows 10, all that information is kept by Microsoft and distributed to who ever they like because its kept at the computer and sent directly to microsoft, not online, with win 7, it doesn't, all my online shopping or transactions are done on a virtual system through my Internet security, NOTHING goes anywhere, its has NOTHING to do with tinfoil hat paranoia, its a fact...

What you forget to include is that information is only available if you use Microsoft apps like Cortana, The Store, Skype etc. This is absolutely no different than using the Apple Store, Android Store, Netflix or any other sites like that.

Everything tracks you and sees what you are doing.

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Re: Windows !0 upgrade
« Reply #14 on: April 06, 2016, 05:13:48 PM »
The only problem I've ever had with upgrades (Windows at work, Mac at home) is suddenly my applications aren't compatible.  If you upgrade with each patch/update etc. these issues seem to be less.

And yes, at some point you'll have to pay to upgrade because you've missed the updates that would allow you to do it for free - had that happen too.
*1973 CB750K3 (Bow)

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Re: Windows !0 upgrade
« Reply #15 on: April 06, 2016, 05:25:45 PM »
I AM a programmer (Controls Engineer, actually), and work on many, many different operating systems for a living - Hondas help me restore my sanity when it gets to me...the ones that "get to me" are always Windows-based POSes. Everything else works excellently, except Windows.

So...if you only use a computer for stuff like e-mail, the occasional document (or writing a book? :)  ), I can't too strongly suggest, "Use something else", like an Apple computer or even Linux (Ubuntu works well) OS on your present one. You won't be sorry, and your life will be much less irritated by things with keyboards, mice, and screens. ;)

Just my 2 cents...

This guy is smart..  ;D   Most people these days can get by with an iPad.

I use a Mac for real work and a PC for games.  Windows 7 - From my cold, carpal-twisted fingers...

Windows 10 wouldn't be so bad if it didn't include all the spying....

(Yeah, I know everyone is spying on you....)

That being said, this post was brought to you by Ubuntu and Firefox.  :)   (the shop box)
« Last Edit: April 06, 2016, 05:27:28 PM by CycleRanger »
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Offline Retro Rocket

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Re: Windows !0 upgrade
« Reply #16 on: April 06, 2016, 05:27:07 PM »
Windows 10 is a good OS and what Windows 8/8.1 should have been. If you are truly worried about the privacy of Windows 10 you may just want to put your tin foil hat on because its no different than using Google products or going shopping.

What you've conveniently left out is that, with good internet security NO information about your shopping habits, you credit card details, your passwords or anything like that gets kept by anyone, except with windows 10, all that information is kept by Microsoft and distributed to who ever they like because its kept at the computer and sent directly to microsoft, not online, with win 7, it doesn't, all my online shopping or transactions are done on a virtual system through my Internet security, NOTHING goes anywhere, its has NOTHING to do with tinfoil hat paranoia, its a fact...

What you forget to include is that information is only available if you use Microsoft apps like Cortana, The Store, Skype etc. This is absolutely no different than using the Apple Store, Android Store, Netflix or any other sites like that.

Everything tracks you and sees what you are doing.

No, microsoft windows 10 takes everything you put on its system, emails and all.....

We will access, disclose and preserve personal data, including your content (such as the content of your emails, other private communications or files in private folders), when we have a good faith belief that doing so is necessary to protect our customers or enforce the terms governing the use of the services.

Whats a "good faith belief"...?  I know, for what ever the f#%k they like, to whom ever they deem fit...

have a read, this is one of hundreds of thousands of links about win 10...

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Re: Windows !0 upgrade
« Reply #17 on: April 06, 2016, 06:17:01 PM »
Microsoft has been spamming me for a while now to upgrade to Win 10.  The more they spam me the less inclined I am to do it.

I have nothing against Win 10, other than I don't have any problems with Windows 7 professional.  By all indications Win 10 is a solid OS.

I was a UNIX system administrator for about 10 years and I didn't just upgrade my systems whenever the vendor released a new OS or patch - we did it to address specific issues.  I take the same approach at home. 
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Re: Windows !0 upgrade
« Reply #18 on: April 06, 2016, 06:17:51 PM »
Windows 10 is a good OS and what Windows 8/8.1 should have been. If you are truly worried about the privacy of Windows 10 you may just want to put your tin foil hat on because its no different than using Google products or going shopping.

What you've conveniently left out is that, with good internet security NO information about your shopping habits, you credit card details, your passwords or anything like that gets kept by anyone, except with windows 10, all that information is kept by Microsoft and distributed to who ever they like because its kept at the computer and sent directly to microsoft, not online, with win 7, it doesn't, all my online shopping or transactions are done on a virtual system through my Internet security, NOTHING goes anywhere, its has NOTHING to do with tinfoil hat paranoia, its a fact...

What you forget to include is that information is only available if you use Microsoft apps like Cortana, The Store, Skype etc. This is absolutely no different than using the Apple Store, Android Store, Netflix or any other sites like that.

Everything tracks you and sees what you are doing.

No, microsoft windows 10 takes everything you put on its system, emails and all.....

We will access, disclose and preserve personal data, including your content (such as the content of your emails, other private communications or files in private folders), when we have a good faith belief that doing so is necessary to protect our customers or enforce the terms governing the use of the services.

Whats a "good faith belief"...?  I know, for what ever the f#%k they like, to whom ever they deem fit...

have a read, this is one of hundreds of thousands of links about win 10...

Your same arguments apply to corporations like Google and Gmail.. Same principle as Microsoft... Its no different. People are just being stupid about privacy and Windows 10 and its spread horrid fud and rumors about the OS.

Offline Retro Rocket

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Re: Windows !0 upgrade
« Reply #19 on: April 06, 2016, 06:39:42 PM »
Windows 10 is a good OS and what Windows 8/8.1 should have been. If you are truly worried about the privacy of Windows 10 you may just want to put your tin foil hat on because its no different than using Google products or going shopping.

What you've conveniently left out is that, with good internet security NO information about your shopping habits, you credit card details, your passwords or anything like that gets kept by anyone, except with windows 10, all that information is kept by Microsoft and distributed to who ever they like because its kept at the computer and sent directly to microsoft, not online, with win 7, it doesn't, all my online shopping or transactions are done on a virtual system through my Internet security, NOTHING goes anywhere, its has NOTHING to do with tinfoil hat paranoia, its a fact...

What you forget to include is that information is only available if you use Microsoft apps like Cortana, The Store, Skype etc. This is absolutely no different than using the Apple Store, Android Store, Netflix or any other sites like that.

Everything tracks you and sees what you are doing.

No, microsoft windows 10 takes everything you put on its system, emails and all.....

We will access, disclose and preserve personal data, including your content (such as the content of your emails, other private communications or files in private folders), when we have a good faith belief that doing so is necessary to protect our customers or enforce the terms governing the use of the services.

Whats a "good faith belief"...?  I know, for what ever the f#%k they like, to whom ever they deem fit...

have a read, this is one of hundreds of thousands of links about win 10...

Your same arguments apply to corporations like Google and Gmail.. Same principle as Microsoft... Its no different. People are just being stupid about privacy and Windows 10 and its spread horrid fud and rumors about the OS.

I have a choice with google, when using personal information with my internet security, I decide what information they get, if any,  you don't seem to understand that, with win 10 you have NO CHOICE, the information is taken directly off your system, all personal files, and if you happen to use an ADSL connection, or have your phone synced to 10, all your private calls are also logged. People are being "stupid" about their privacy..? Bullsh1t, Clearly you are out of your depth here mate, and don't value your privacy, what you call "rumors" are fact, I'm not interested in debating something you clearly don't get, I'm 100% certain my tech buddies know a sh1t load more about this than you...
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Re: Windows !0 upgrade
« Reply #20 on: April 06, 2016, 06:58:12 PM »
Windows 10 is a good OS and what Windows 8/8.1 should have been. If you are truly worried about the privacy of Windows 10 you may just want to put your tin foil hat on because its no different than using Google products or going shopping.

What you've conveniently left out is that, with good internet security NO information about your shopping habits, you credit card details, your passwords or anything like that gets kept by anyone, except with windows 10, all that information is kept by Microsoft and distributed to who ever they like because its kept at the computer and sent directly to microsoft, not online, with win 7, it doesn't, all my online shopping or transactions are done on a virtual system through my Internet security, NOTHING goes anywhere, its has NOTHING to do with tinfoil hat paranoia, its a fact...

What you forget to include is that information is only available if you use Microsoft apps like Cortana, The Store, Skype etc. This is absolutely no different than using the Apple Store, Android Store, Netflix or any other sites like that.

Everything tracks you and sees what you are doing.

No, microsoft windows 10 takes everything you put on its system, emails and all.....

We will access, disclose and preserve personal data, including your content (such as the content of your emails, other private communications or files in private folders), when we have a good faith belief that doing so is necessary to protect our customers or enforce the terms governing the use of the services.

Whats a "good faith belief"...?  I know, for what ever the f#%k they like, to whom ever they deem fit...

have a read, this is one of hundreds of thousands of links about win 10...

Your same arguments apply to corporations like Google and Gmail.. Same principle as Microsoft... Its no different. People are just being stupid about privacy and Windows 10 and its spread horrid fud and rumors about the OS.

I have a choice with google, when using personal information with my internet security, I decide what information they get, if any,  you don't seem to understand that, with win 10 you have NO CHOICE, the information is taken directly off your system, all personal files, and if you happen to use an ADSL connection, or have your phone synced to 10, all your private calls are also logged. People are being "stupid" about their privacy..? Bullsh1t, Clearly you are out of your depth here mate, and don't value your privacy, what you call "rumors" are fact, I'm not interested in debating something you clearly don't get, I'm 100% certain my tech buddies know a sh1t load more about this than you...

Well since you took this to a personal level.. I am now finished.

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Re: Windows !0 upgrade
« Reply #21 on: April 06, 2016, 07:10:04 PM »
Windows 10 is a good OS and what Windows 8/8.1 should have been. If you are truly worried about the privacy of Windows 10 you may just want to put your tin foil hat on because its no different than using Google products or going shopping.

What you've conveniently left out is that, with good internet security NO information about your shopping habits, you credit card details, your passwords or anything like that gets kept by anyone, except with windows 10, all that information is kept by Microsoft and distributed to who ever they like because its kept at the computer and sent directly to microsoft, not online, with win 7, it doesn't, all my online shopping or transactions are done on a virtual system through my Internet security, NOTHING goes anywhere, its has NOTHING to do with tinfoil hat paranoia, its a fact...

What you forget to include is that information is only available if you use Microsoft apps like Cortana, The Store, Skype etc. This is absolutely no different than using the Apple Store, Android Store, Netflix or any other sites like that.

Everything tracks you and sees what you are doing.

No, microsoft windows 10 takes everything you put on its system, emails and all.....

We will access, disclose and preserve personal data, including your content (such as the content of your emails, other private communications or files in private folders), when we have a good faith belief that doing so is necessary to protect our customers or enforce the terms governing the use of the services.

Whats a "good faith belief"...?  I know, for what ever the f#%k they like, to whom ever they deem fit...

have a read, this is one of hundreds of thousands of links about win 10...

Your same arguments apply to corporations like Google and Gmail.. Same principle as Microsoft... Its no different. People are just being stupid about privacy and Windows 10 and its spread horrid fud and rumors about the OS.

I have a choice with google, when using personal information with my internet security, I decide what information they get, if any,  you don't seem to understand that, with win 10 you have NO CHOICE, the information is taken directly off your system, all personal files, and if you happen to use an ADSL connection, or have your phone synced to 10, all your private calls are also logged. People are being "stupid" about their privacy..? Bullsh1t, Clearly you are out of your depth here mate, and don't value your privacy, what you call "rumors" are fact, I'm not interested in debating something you clearly don't get, I'm 100% certain my tech buddies know a sh1t load more about this than you...

Well since you took this to a personal level.. I am now finished.

Interesting, you labeled anyone concerned with privacy, as I and millions of others are, tinfoil hat brigade and stupid, tin foil hats is referred to conspiracies, once again, this is NO conspiracy, its a fact.... ::)
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Re: Windows !0 upgrade
« Reply #22 on: April 06, 2016, 07:52:37 PM »
I wear my tinfoil proudly.  It worked for Joaquin Phoenix after all.
*1973 CB750K3 (Bow)

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Re: Windows !0 upgrade
« Reply #23 on: April 07, 2016, 04:42:48 AM »
I recently build a new core i7 for video editing and installed windows 10, and I got to say I am happy with it no problems.

I did not activate Cortona the VA included with windows 10 as I really did not want or need another company invading my privacy any further than what is currently being done.  Much of the Windows 10 anger from what I have read comes from the VA so I just left it off.  Who knows maybe it is still uploading my data and files to Microsoft.

I also use Ubuntu and really like it.  If not for needing adobe suite I would use Ubuntu.


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Re: Windows !0 upgrade
« Reply #24 on: April 07, 2016, 05:51:41 AM »

I also use Ubuntu and really like it.  If not for needing adobe suite I would use Ubuntu.

Try GIMP and Inkscape for Ubuntu.

They are a bit crude, but effective.
I have not tried any web development software for Linux, but there are a lot of packages.
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